

Soal Remidial


One of the most famous public gardens in Indonesia is the Bogor Botanical Garden. It is 60 kilometers south of Jakarta. It was built at the order of the British Governor Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, but the Dutch Governor-General Van Der Cappellen opened it in 1817.
The large park covers an area of 87 hectares and has more than 15.000 kinds of trees and plants. There are 400 different types of palms, more than 5.000 kinds of orchids from Indonesia and abroad, and the giant Rafflesia which blooms only once a year. During the 19th century, this garden was famous for the study of tea, cassava, tobacco, cinchona, and other plants. There is also a botanical library where students can find a lot of books on botany. In 1856, at the northern part of the garden the Dutch built a palace for their governor general. It is open daily from 9.00 to 17.00 for visitors.
Three branches of the Bogor Botanical Garden are the Cibodas Botanical Garden, The Purwodadi Botanical Garden, and the Eka Karya Botanical Garden. The Cibodas Botanical Garden was built in 1862 for the study of flora and fauna on mountains. It covers an area of about 80 hectares on the slope of Gede volcano, 1200 meters above sea level. The Purwodadi Botanical Garden was built on the lower slope of Mt. Arjuna, East Java in 1914. It is about 3.000 meters above the sea level. It covers an area of 85 hectares. Here people study plants of dry areas. The Eka Karya Botanical Garden was built in 1595 for the study of the flora on the mountains in West Nusa Tenggara. It covers an area of 50 hectares on the slope of Mt. Pohen in Bali. It is between 1.250 and 1.450 meters above the sea level.
Effective English 2A

To check your understanding of the text, state true or false.
1. The Bogor Botanical Garden is 1817 years old. (True / False)
2. There is a palace in the centre of the Bogor Botanical Garden. (True / False)
3. Governor General Van Der Capellen built the Bogor Botanical Garden. (True / False)
4. The Bogor Botanical Garden is open from 9.00 – 17.00. (True / False)
5. We can see the flower of Rafflesia once a year. (True / False)
6. Among the four gardens, the Bogor Botanical Garden is the largest. (True / False)
7. When you want to study plants which grow in the area with little rain, we go to the Purwodadi Botanical Garden. (True / False)
8. The Purwodadi Botanical Garden is higher than the Eka Karya Botanical Garden. (True / False) 9. The Bogor Botanical Garden has three branches. (True / False)
10. We can study not only flora but also fauna in the Eka Karya Botanical Garden. (True / False)

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