

Cara menambahkan ukuran kertas F4 pada daftar paper size printer

Ketika anda membuat dokumen baru atau mengatur ukuran kertas pada Ms Word maupun Ms excel, maka pilihan ukuran kertas yang ada atau secara default adalah ukuran A4, Letter, Legal, A5, A6, envelope, dan ukuran kertas yang lain. Jika kertas yang anda pakai untuk mencetak sudah ada dalam daftar ukuran kertas tersebut maka bukanlah merupakan suatu masalah. Karena anda tinggal memilih ukuran kertas yang ada, misalnya A4 atau letter maka sudah beres. Namun jika kertas anda merupakan kertas dengan ukuran F4 atau folio, maka ukuran tersebut tidak ada dalam daftar paper size. Dengan demikian anda harus membuat sendiri dengan menggunakan perintah custom.
Dengan trik ini anda bisa menambahkan daftar baru paper size untuk ukuran kertas F4 atau ukuran kertas yang lain. Sebenarnya daftar ukuran tersebut merupakan daftar ukuran kertas pada pengaturan printer anda. Dengan demikian anda bisa menambahkan daftar ukuran kertas F4 pada Ms Word maupun Ms Excel dengan cara menambahkan ukuran kertas baru pada printer. Sebagai contoh printer yang saya pakai adalah Printer Epson T13. Bisa anda coba jika menggunakan printer yang lain, mungkin bisa juga.
  1. Bukalah folder dimana lokasi pronter tersebut terinstall, Biasanya di Control Panel / Printer and Faxes atau semacamnya. Bisa juga diakses melalui Start menu.
  2. Setelah itu jadikan default printer jika printer tersebut belum sebagai default printer.
  3. Klik kanan pada printer tersebut kemudian pilih Printing Preferences.

    printing preference

  4. Muncul jendela printing preference, pada tab Main pilih size pada user defined.

    user defined

  5. Maka muncul jendela user defined paper size. Aktifkan 0.01 cm pada unit custom kemudian isikan 2150 pada paper width dan 3300 pada paper height yang merupakan ukuran dari kertas F4. Setelah itu ubah nama user defined pada Paper size name menjadi F4 kemudian klik Save, maka ukuran F4 sudah tertera dibawah user defined. Klik OK dan OK lagi

    Menambah ukuran kertas
Setelah itu silahkan anda buka program Ms Word atau Ms Excel 2007, kemudian pilih size pada ribbon Page Layout. Kemudian scrool kebawah, lihatlah ukuran F4 anda telah masuk dalam daftar dan siap untuk digunakan. Setiap kali anda memilih ukuran f4 tinggal klik ukuran tersebut dan beress. Semoga bermanfaat.

Software ini adalah software yang bisa anda gunakan untuk belajar berbagai bahasa, katanya software ini merupakan software belajar bahasa nomor wahid di dunia,yang biasa digunakan oleh tentara, pejabat tinggi negara, dan astronot untuk belajar bahasa.

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Setelah Softwarenya Diinstal,buka Languange packnya,tapi harus download dulu :
Untuk Language Pack English Ni Link nya dari level 1-3 :

ENGLISH BRITISH Pack Version 3, Level 1 :

ENGLISH BRITISH Pack Version 3, Level 2 : 

ENGLISH BRITISH Pack Version 3, Level 3 :



Download: Artikel, Tutorial, Modul, E-Book

This page contains articles, tutorials, modules, and e-books related to education.
Modules for teaching English: Introduction to genre based approach, Materials Development, Designing Lesson Plan, Instructional Media, Language Assessment, file: pdf
The Effectiveness of Teacher Training in Indonesia_ Sampoerna Foundation 2009. file: pdf.



A. NASKAH  PIDATO BAHASA INGGRIS (English Speech Scripts):
  1. Topic: How to face globalization Era. Grade: for SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
  2. Topic: Negative Effects of Television. Grade: for SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
  3. Topic: Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address Speech (Pidato pelantikan Barack Obama). (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
  4. Topic: Valedictory Speech (Pidato Perpisahan), occasionally used in school farewell/graduation ceremony (biasanya digunakan dalam upacara perpisahan atau penamatan sekolah). Grade: for SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: version1: click-here»»…, version2_full-english: click-here»»…
  5. Topic: Valedictory Speech_Original-English_Xavier Education School. Grade: for SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
  6. Topic: Valedictory Speech_Original-English_Santana High School. Grade: for SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
  7. Topic: The Importance of Mastering English. Grade: SMA/MA/SMK/University (script pdf_written by Jasmansyah). download: click-here»»…
  8. Topic: John F Kennedy’s Inaugural Address Speech (Pidato Pelantikan John F Kennedy). (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
  9. Topic: Condolezza Rice’s Speech on Opening Statement to the Comission. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  10. Topic: Barack Obama’s Speech at Cairo University: New Beginning. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  11. Topic: Independence Day. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  12. Topic: Ramadhan: The Islamic Month of Fasting. Grade: SMP/MTs/SMA/MA/SMK/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  13. Topic: A Speech of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on the Occasion of the Opening of the 9th International Congres on AIDS in Asia and Pacific (ICAAP). Grade: public, government press release.  (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  14. Topic: A Speech of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Government Leaders Forum Asia (Glf Asia). government press release. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  15. Topic: Earth Day (1)_ Save Our Earth. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  16. Topic: Earth Day (2)_ Environment. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  17. Topic: Earth Day (3)_ original-English-Rothcshild’s speech. Label: celebration of earth day april22, 2006. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  18. Topic: Education System in Indonesia. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  19. Topic: Heroes’ Day, 10 November. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  20. Topic: Education, PGRI, Teachers’ Day (1)_ Teachers’ Day. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  21. Topic: Education, PGRI, Teachers’ Day (2)_ Teachers: Heroes without Medals. Grade: SMP/SMA/SMK. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  22. Topic: Keynote Speech by DPR RI 2008 at the Conference of Asia Pacific Parliamentarians for Education. public, government press release. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  23. Topic: Women’s Rights and Emancipation (1). Title: Kartini Day (Hari Kartini). Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  24. Topic: Women’s Rights and Emancipation (2). Title: Kartini Day and Women’s Emancipation (Hari Kartini dan Emansipasi Perempuan). Grade: SD/SMP. Added: The Translation in Indonesian. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  25. Topic: Leadership, People Empowering, Community Development. Title: Good Leaders will Make a Better Indonesia. Speech by: Risa Bhinekawati, one of Indonesian inspiring women. Grade: college, university, public-government. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  26. Topic: Master of Ceremony / MC (1). Title: Opening Speech by Master of Ceremony (MC) in English Meeting. Grade: SMP/SMA/SMK. (script-pdf)-download: click here»»…
  27. Topic: Opening Speech at the 14th Meeting of the Plants committee in Namibia. Grade: formal, public, governmental press release. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  28. Topic: Opening/Address Speech by Ir. Soekarno at the Asia-African Conference – Bandung, 1955. Grade: formal, public, governmental press release. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  29. Topic: Video: English Speech. Title: English speaking contest of national college students. Grade: college, university, public. File: video_flv; supplied with running/displayed texts. download: click here»»…
  30. Topic: Video: English Speech. Title: Barack Obama’s Victory Speech. Grade: college, university, public. File: video_flv, download: click here»»…. File: script_pdf, download: click here»»…
  31. Topic: Learning English is Interesting. Grade: SMP/MTs, SMA/MA/SMK, College/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  32. Topic: Tourism (1). Title: Mamasa as a Tourist Destination in West Sulawesi. Grade: SMA/MA/SMK, College/University, public. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  33. Topic: Human Rights. Title: Message to the Grass Roots, a speech delivered by Malcolm X on November 10, 1962 in Detroit. download: audio- click here»»… download: pdf script- click here»»…
  34. Topic: Psychology, Behavior. Title: Learning to Respect Oneself, a speech script by Inkeri Silvennoinen. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  35. Topic: Master of Ceremony / MC (2). Title: Master of Ceremony (MC) for Graduation and Inauguration Ceremony. Bilingual: MC-1 speaks in English; MC-2 in Indonesian. Grade: SMP/SMA/SMK. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  36. Topic: Tourism (2). Title: Visit Lamongan with Many Beautiful Objects in Tourism. Grade: SMP/MTs, SMA/MA/SMK, College/University, public. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  37. Topic: Drugs. Title: Drugs and Young Generation, a speech script written by ©Rahel. Grade: SMP/MTs, SMA/MA/SMK, College/University, public. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
B. NASKAH  DRAMA BAHASA INGGRIS (English Drama Scripts):
  1. Title: The Candidate (General Election for the Legislator). Grade: SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
  2. Title: Cinderella (The Little Glass Slipper). Grade: SMP, SMA/SMK. Script pdf, download: click here»»… You can also download Cinderella in pantomime; contemporary version; modern setting, audio and script on page here»»…
  3. Title: Snow White. Grade: SMP, MTs, SMA, MA, SMK. (script pdf.) download: click here»»…
  4. Title: Beauty is a Beast, a drama script written by D. M. Larson, Copyright (c) 1996, 2004. Grade: SMA, MA, SMK, College, University. (script pdf.) download: click here»»…


    Materi, Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

    Halaman ini berisi: Materi, Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris UN SMP/MTs. Silahkan men-download. Semoga berguna.
    1. materi-soal-pembahasan-un_smp_ing: melengkapi kalimat/paragraf
    2. materi-soal-pembahasan-un_smp_ing: Expressions (ungkapan)
    3. materi-soal-pembahasan-un_smp_ing: Tenses
    4. materi-soal-pembahasan-un_smp_ing: Question Words
    5. materi-soal-pembahasan-un_smp_ing: Comparison
    6. materi-soal-pembahasan-un_smp_ing: Pronouns (kt.ganti)
    7. materi-soal-pembahasan-un_smp_ing: Elliptical Sentences
    8. materi-soal-pembahasan-un_smp_ing: Conjunctions
    9. materi-soal-pembahasan-un_smp_ing: Tag Questions
    10. materi-soal-pembahasan-un_smp_ing: Conditional Sent(1)
    11. materi soal dan pembahasan un smp ing:Reading
    12. materi soal dan pembahasan un smp ing: Exclamation
    13. materi soal dan pembahasan un smp ing: Reading [genre: procedure texts]
    14. materi soal dan pembahasan un smp ing: Reading [genre: descriptive texts]
    15. materi soal dan pembahasan un smp ing: Reading [genre: narrative texts]
    16. pembahasan-dan-kunci-jawaban_un-smp-2010: b-inggris_b_p49_c2 


    Listening Material

    • Download: The use of  ‘likely’ and ‘unlikely’ (report/descriptive) » |audio-mp3 | script-pdf|
    • Download: Mary Lyon, 1797-1849: A Leader in Women’s Education in the 19th Century_ taken from VOA (Voice of America)_ (story/biography) » |audio-mp3 | script-pdf|
    • Download: “Wanna, gonna, hafta”: Reduced forms in spoken American English_ taken from VOA (Voice of America)_ (story/interviews/descriptive) » |audio-mp3 | script-pdf|
    • Download: Common Greetings in the United States_ taken from VOA (Voice of America)_ (story/interviews/descriptive) » |audio-mp3 | script-pdf | script-doc|
    • Download: Discussion about Globalisation_ (dialogues/interviews/descriptive) » |audio-mp3 | script-pdf|
    • Download: Irregular Verbs (verb1, verb2, verb3)_ watch, listen and repeat_ taken from youtube » |video-flv|
    • Download: Where Dinosaurs are_ tv-video_ supplemented with displayed texts_ (report/descriptive) taken from youtube » |video-flv | script-doc|
    • Download: Doc Holliday; a legend in Tombstone: One of the Most Famous and Dangerous Gunfighters of the Old West. (story/biography) » |audio-mp3 | script-pdf | script-doc|
    • Download: Double Comparatives; cause and effect, e.g: The more, the merrier; The sooner, … ; The brighter the sun, the happier I feel; etc. (video_supplemented with displayed text) » |video-flv-34mb|
    • Download: Papua New Guinea makes gains in AIDS battle but faces challenges. (report/news). taken from voanews » |audio-mp3 | script-pdf| script-doc|
    • Download: Listening Section Test, National Exam (Ujian Nasional) for SMA, MA, SMK. file: mp-3:
    • Download: The Arizona-Sonoma Desert Museum; video with subtitles / displayed texts (story, talks, vocabulary on nature and animals). » |video-flv 10mb |
    • Download: Worry; “What makes you worry and why?” (word, expression, vocabulary, dialogue), taken from bbc-learningenglish » |audio-mp3 | script-pdf|